Friday, February 27, 2009

Torley Today!

Yush my friends I want a friend! And I know just who to look for, he's green, loves watermelon and has a high pitched voice! Yush its me! No just kidding its Torley Linden!

So, where do I look for the lil bugger? Under a rock? In a sim? Under a sim? You know those Lindens are just creepy old hermits they never come out in public or off their beta grid unless they want to beat you up...or at least that's what I heard....from myself...yesh I have voices in my head...

So I did a lil shopping for Lindens, in the search. Nothin, natta. So I try putting in Phillip Linden...still nothing, well duh...trying to find him is like trying to find lost inventory, not gonna happen. Its gone, forever! But then I put in Torley's name, and I got an odd result "Podcast xxx island"...well that sounded interesting when I

Instantly I'm greeted by colors, vibrant colors! Green! Pink! Green! PINK!.
Wow, these Lindens and their color schemes! I'm home, finally I'm home! Best of all if you look above, I think I finally stumbled upon those magic mushrooms Torley eats before he makes a tutorial. I got up closer and had a sniff but nope...just smelled like primshrooms...(sighs). Moving on though I saw something interesting! Giants! Wooot! Friends!

I tried talking to the duck girl but she didnt say much...just kept giving me a notecard about something, didn't even have her phone number! How am I supposed to meet chicks! Huh? Pfft. So I kept walking and whoa! Look! A moonite!

He was giving me some sort of one finger salute until I got up close and yep...he was giving me the ole buzzard middle finger...I snapped a shot but covered it up cuz I didn't wanna offend the kiddies out there reading my adventures. I"ll be their jesus and take the brunt of this pixelated monster's abuse to spare the children!

So I kept walking and as if it was a hologram I looked up and saw the face of god, he had something like a speech bubble or maybe a speech bubble tumor growing out of his mouth and it said "FRIENDLY GREETINS!!" ITS TORLEY!

The face of God? No I don't believe so it must be something better! It must be Torley Linden! I tried hopelessly to engage his facade in convo, but instead got nothing..sad, once again depressed, I left...from now on, until proven otherwise, all Lindens will be known as Letdowns.

Farewell Torley Letdown. Farewell.

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